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Aubrey = performer
Drake = the linguist
Since Drake’s first name is Aubrey, I’ll start there
A= Mars
Drake has Mars in Aquarius in the 6H
The 6H is a Cadent house which are thoughts but not enough action.
Aquarius = actor
So it’s no wonder he started off as an actor

The 6H can be our habits, so it’s muscle memory for him to be performative however I don’t think he would have had the success he has now by just going by Aubrey.
He has mars square Pluto which is the drive but again Pluto and mars are in houses that struggle with giving action.
But mars/Pluto can be aggressive and go after their dreams. I have a feeling that maybe his mother didn’t want him doing music so acting was just the way to appease this person so he could get to music.
Now Drake
D= Cancer = Moon
He has moon in cancer in 11H
The initial d is also tied to the base of operations.
So It wouldn’t shock me if he built his own city. It kind of remind me of the hunger games where they have the capital and the 12 districts. He may call it ovo land or something like that
So with him going by Drake it puts a lot of emphasis on his moon to me
Moon= 12° Cancer
Cancer = women
12 = Pisces = dreamy
Women find him so dreamy especially since his chart ruler (1st house) is making an aspect to Neptune
Neptune= Pisces
12° Cancer= linguist, Knowledgeable, changeful temper
Makes sense that he’s always trying different styles
Since his moon is at home (cancer) is in the 11H of fans, friends, hopes and dreams, climbing to fame by using ‘Drake’ was genious
His 11H is on the 28° Gemini which is one of the most fortunate degrees when it comes to fame, wealth and major success.
His fame will never dip
I did notice though that he has two grand trines in water
Moon in cancer, Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio.
I think his songs are more so like ballads to his wife, a wife he doesn’t have yet. But he really really wants her.
But the only planet in an action house is his Jupiter
If he’s trying to force himself to find a wife, he will come off as a whiner. Women whom he seeks out probably feels this and they are like “back the f**k up weirdo”
Because Aubrey = the weird one
Since his mars is squaring Pluto
Pluto is his generation
Aubrey doesn’t Feel like he fits in but Drake does. See the confusion he may have within himself. This confusion could even have him going through a lot of physical changes in appearance.
But when the time comes, he will be a great husband, I strongly believe it but he has to stop looking
Now when it comes to his sun sign
He has sun in Scorpio ♏️ at 0°.
0° = truest expression of the sign it occupies
So his Scorpio tendencies may be extreme.
Especially if he is operating from the lower type of Scorpio
This sign out of all has extreme distinction between a healed and unhealed Scorpio
An unhealed Scorpio can be mistrustful,
jealous, envious, the destroyer.
And with Drake’s sun (masculine) being on 0° Scorpio, men may see him as quarrelsome or even someone who incites unnecessary violence
I believe with his grand water trine he wants to be able to display his emotions and women likely give him the opportunity to do so which could be why they may not see him operating in his lower Scorpio vibration.
Also, on the other side, his moon in the 11H can make him someone who may seek you out for superficial reasons. Meaning, if he has no use for you he could very well pass you over or even stand next to you and act like you don’t exist.
But also he likes to be inspired by the people he works with but you have to be careful because he also could steal your flow if he’s operating out of his lower Scorpio energy.
His north node is in the 9H of God-like complex, making him probably insufferable at times and a know it all.
I have a feeling that the woman he will pick will probably be someone that has authority over him. Makes him her little bi**h
Kind of like how Camilla is with Charles. And Drake is going to fold every time.
I bet she probably won’t be considered feminine either. A woman who plays sports has a better chance at him than a beauty pageant queen
It makes sense he was interested in Serena, that’s the type, she’s the type.
I noticed his child’s mother has the strong energy as well
You making me laugh again with your Humor and I do see him making music for a future wife.🤔