I’m only looking at his moon placement.
Moon can be tied to one’s personality and he has moon in Sagittarius
He also has his Neptune conjunct his moon in the 6H. Moon in 6th can be somewhat of a people pleaser and someone who wants to be needed
Sagittarius Moon at 21°
21° ♐️ = strife, aggressive spirit, eccentric
He may not really have a true personality or it changes depending on the people he’s around. Again with his moon being in 6H, he may focus too much on fitting in

Because his Neptune is conjunct his moon and Neptune rules drugs, fogginess, if you were to ask him why are you drinking or doing drugs he may say idk. Deep down it’s to fit in. when people don’t like him, depression soon follows which then can make him go to more extremes of drinking etc.
His Neptune is at 17° ♐️
17° = Leo = fame
People glorifying his drug use like it’s entertaining (the issue)
17° Sag = disorder, disappointment, foolish, lack of reason
Lack of reason goes back to my original point of him just doing it just because

Since his moon is involved and moon is tied to mother, his mother could be a sense of the disfunction.
Lack of rules
But I would say, deep down he possibly has always felt somewhat of a disappointment which is sad.
Almost like the kid in school who’s constantly screwing up but getting stuff but then when he becomes good now all of a sudden no more attention
👆why be good when being bad has more perks ☹️
As I mentioned before about scorpio and extremes, since his chart doesn’t have a Scorpio ruled house, I look at his mars
His mars is in Leo In the 2H on an Aries degree.
Leo/Aries = sports
So accumulating wealth off of extreme sports tied to blood because Aries/mars is blood as well.
Also mars in the 2H is a go getter and very materialistic
But also his 2H mars in a house of his values is making an aspect to his at fall Sun (Libra).
Unfortunately, he is a liar. But that’s what people do when they want to fit in, they lie.
Also a mars/sun unfavorable aspect can bring the earlier death of a father or father figure which, in his case can lead to major depression and prone more to his weaknesses.
Since he’s also born on the 28th day, and in numerology this is tied to wealth. But it also is tied to the sun
Sun in 4H in Libra on 4° = danger by sword/fire
Since he’s going through his mars return right now and it’s aspecting his sun, he needs to be careful
Especially house fires, intruders, burglary
He’s probably quite intelligent, but as I said before, being bad has more perks than being good
Hope he finds his way but also no one deserves to be constantly reminded how much of a screw up they are. I believe that started at an early age. Even if he tried to fix it, it always goes back to you’re such a screw up.
Sad 😢