I did this analysis right when the allegations first popped up. So the information in this thread was posted almost a month ago.

*out of curiosity* Looked at the horary.
IMO Jonathan majors and the alleged involved party are back together.
He’s signified by mars in the chart. Mars is in cancer, which is the sign of its fall.
7th from cancer mars is a Pisces Saturn. Saturn and mars are making an applying trine to one another. Mars is In the 2H and Saturn is in the 11H.
This other person may have been hoping that majors would choose them. Possibly even being open or hospitable to other parties. Thinking that at the end of the day they will be his number one
Also, I fear this happens a lot.
Majors is on 0°
cancer 0°
Cancer = good marriage, sympathy
So an apology could be coming 👇

But I also know that mars is squaring a sun in the 12H Sun being 2nd from him (mars) and mars being in the house of money
A financial something has likely already left his life five days prior or could be happening.
This will happen quietly, since sun is going into the 12H. For some reason I’m thinking publicist or some sort of representation. 👇

He needs to get his emotions under control. And sorry doesn't always fix it.
I’m curious if he is married or making promises like that and he knows it’s not what he wants.
Also since 11H is fans, leaks of possibly past history could be coming. 👇

I would think it’s from the alleged third party or could be a friend of the third party. He should be careful to not get sued.
Saturn is slow, so two months, two years
Forgot that Saturn/mars = boxer
Plus, I always look at the date someone was born. It tells me a lot, energetically speaking.
Majors was born on the 7th of September. 7= moon = emotions
He has his natal moon squaring sun
Moon = 8°
sag 8° = Saturn, Leo
8° Sagittarius moons may be kind of difficult to deal with emotionally if they don’t feel loved. They want to feel things deep
If they don’t feel it and other aspects are not in the moon's favor they may emotionally unravel and you should not be in the vicinity