Success = Jupiter
Ex: J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series
Her Jupiter is in Gemini on 22°
22° Gemini = literature, loneliness at old age
Her dispositor (mercury) is in Virgo at 0° in 7H of public
Virgo/Gemini = writers
0° Virgo = fortune
Jupiter is going to expand In the 4H because that’s the house of cancer normally and Jupiter exalts in this sign
By the way her Jupiter is technically considered in detriment since it’s in Gemini however, for her it can give a big house, huge lands but possible estrangement from family.
She has her Jupiter conjunct 3 fixed star ⭐️
El Nath = fortune, success
Alnilam = Brief fame, quick temper, scandal
Al Hecka = honors, wealth, power, greed
Destined to be a famous writer and likely during her Jupiter years (30’s)
Jupiter is tied to the number 3 in numerology so imo I see your 30’s being tied to your Jupiter placement in some way