I pulled an event chart for why T. swift wants this.
She’s signified by Aquarius (Saturn) which has a Uranus co-ruler
She’s Saturn in Pisces going into the 8H
8H = underworld, psychology, occult, research, investigation
Saturn in Pisces at 6°

6° Pisces = illumination, deep knowledge, study, devotion
Now swift, who’s Saturn is making aspects to about two planets in the tenth house
10H = career, influence
So that’s the first part as to why
Saturn’s (t swift) dispositor is Neptune in 8H Of Pisces
Neptune is at home here and it’s on 27°
27° Pisces = intellect, wisdom, healing
But also Jupiter belongs to Pisces
It’s in the 9H of Taurus at 2°
It’s incredible how swift has power however, in her eyes, she sees ice spice’s power as something she’s never obtained. Which is intriguing because she’s big.
However spiritual power can be bigger than earthly power.
Since swift also has a co-ruler of Uranus
Uranus is in Taurus at 19°
19° Taurus = envy
Power is changing hands and I feel possibly amongst the elites, Ice Spice Is becoming a favorite.

Something that swift is uncomfortable with. Again, spiritual power is a whole did fierend ball game.
Ice in this chart is signified by Capricorn since it’s 11th from Pisces
I used the 11H since it’s tied to collaborations
So ice spice is also signified by Saturn as well
We have two people battling for the top spot for power in the musical realm however one person knows it’s a competition and the other does not
Since they are both taken up by Saturn, I’m looking to see if any of taylor’s co-rulers aspect ice and they do not. My guess is that ice spice possibly was blindsided by this collab in a way. But Taylor has been doing research on her for a long time.
So Ice probably was excited, however since she too is Saturn and it’s transiting the 8H, she shouldn’t get too excited.
Saturn in the 8H can bring very unexpected transformations or even unfortunate situations.
Since it’s the house of death as well and the 6H cusp is in an earth sign, she should be careful of tall buildings or natural disasters.
What if swift is the tall building? And she is trying to collapse on top of ice’s success causing an unfortunate transformation.
I don’t think this collab will be good for ice but it will be good for Taylor.
Scratch a point I made above, Taylor swifts co-ruler of Jupiter is making a sextile to Saturn
So she will take something from this collab and pass the idea off as her own and profit from it but it came from ice spice first.
Yep. Par for the course and what else is new, lol