Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
NEXT 3 Days 💧 ♋️ ♏️ ♓️: a family member or friend could be disappointing you soon. You’re looking for this person’s approval to do something you want. Self-worth issues and dealing with insecurities can tear down healthy connections. Things are stable for now, don’t f^*k it up. Oh, and people can’t read your mind. Yes, sometimes people have to be told what is or isn’t acceptable.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
NEXT 3 Days 🌍 ♉️ ♍️ ♑️: a wish fulfillment will come through on Thursday or in 17 days. Getting recognized for your designs or appearance through a group of friends or an event. Denying an ex and giving a younger earth sign a chance, let’s see where this goes. A job FINALLY.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
NEXT 3 Days 🔥 ♈️ ♌️ ♐️: Someone is trying to put you in the middle or they are making you choose between your relationship and a friendship. You may still be friends with your ex and your new person doesn’t like that or vice versa. You’re going away for a while to take a break. Either way, someone is putting you in a sticky situation. They are jealous of someone you’re close to and they’re afraid that person will tell you that you can do better
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
NEXT 3 Days 💨 ♊️ ♎️ ♒️: They are getting their sh*t together now. Things between the two of you will get stronger and now they are thinking of being a better husband/wife or they want to do this thing on a forever basis. Let’s try not to sabotage it this time around. Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries. If you just met this person they think you may be the one
