Aries: Page of Swords: You will be side eyeing an air sign today after this person gossips about someone else behind their back. You may have considered this person a friend to you. Don’t doubt your skills or your talent today if you are applying for a job or want to start a business. Time for a new look
Taurus: Emperor: You miss a father figure being in your life. You’ve also been struggling with your confidence lately and today you will still be stuck in this rut. Issues with a fire sign child or the father of your child. You want this person to move out. Don’t quit your job yet.
Gemini: Knight of cups: Rethinking if you want to make this trip toward somewhere cold in the next 5 days. Still no offer from this water sign who told you they’ll be back or they gave you an excuse of why they aren’t communicating. For now, you’ll try to work things out with your current person until your past comes back.
Cancer: Tower: An unexpected battle to overcome today when it comes to your anger, issues tied to fibroids or graves disease. A sacrifice you made for another water sign will be in vain. A company you work for may have a fire or technology is down which will result in being sent home. A job or house you applied for will be sending a rejection letter. Chin up, there’s still light on the other end of the tunnel.
Leo: Strength: You’ve been battling some sort of illness that you’ve been secretive about. You’ll be changing your mind today on giving someone a second chance. Now you want to move forward and put the past behind you. If you live with someone, you’ll be sharing a bank account soon. Family messaging you about coming to visit in ten days. You’re in the right career
Virgo: King of Wands: Mistaken identity is likely for you today and don’t be surprised if you are being asked to show your ID. You will notice today that a fire sign is acting differently toward you after they just spoke their feelings. All of a sudden this is not a relationship. Issues with a boss and meeting deadlines.
Libra: Queen of Swords: You will be thinking about hiring a cleaning company for your house. A pushy air sign woman will be asking you for more money. Issues with a child’s schooling or grades so you will be changing districts in the future. Toothaches on the left side. Unfortunately, you may have to cut off your mother because of her unhealthy spending habits.
Scorpio: Hierophant: Seems like you don’t know this person after all. An earth sign person may switch up on you at the last minute. Don’t take a gamble on anything today and that includes betting on sporting events. You don’t feel it’s worth the risk to get married so you may live like a bachelor/bachelorette. Issues with overdraft fees or bank accounts today
Sagittarius: three of swords: You’re letting go of the hurt finally after seven long years. You are cutting the cord to this constant third-party situation you’ve been in. If you moved away for love you’ll be calling your family today to see if you can stay with them for a while. Documents that were delayed from being processed will move forward.
Capricorn: Ten of Pentacles: Going back to what you know and it’s a good thing. Money will be coming in from family, old investments, insurance policies, rebates, refunds or finally getting gains from a business you started in October. You’ll be happy to see or speak to an old family member today. A bigger house is in your future in 15 months.
Aquarius: Magician: Everything that could go right today, will. You’ll be getting some good news about a Gemini or Virgo that you miss. If you were worried about missing the deadline for a loan or grant, it will be extended. You are heading in the right direction. Later today you’ll be confessing your love to this air sign. A new opportunity will come from your social media.
Pisces: Five of Pentacles: You don’t feel hurt about this breakup like you did yesterday. Walking away from money troubles starting today. This time manage your money better. A good day to pay off a debt of less than $500. If you are feeling lucky, with an itchy left hand, then you will find luck in entering a contest or going for a job that you may feel you’re underqualified for. Things are turning around.
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