Aries: There may be issues with reversals or chargebacks today when it comes to your bank account. You’ll be finding a better way to communicate with a water sign instead of arguing or fighting. You may be worried about flight cancellations because of the weather but you’ll be able to pursue your travel plans. You could get paid earlier than expected from your job.
Taurus: You could be looking to apply for licenses, grants, scholarships, marriage licenses, or any type of government assistance. You will be irritated by long lines today and you may think to get your kid's pictures taken with Santa. Thanksgiving parades are likely today and you may have to respond to some sort of complaint against you. A good day to self-educate as well as remove clutter.
Gemini: You’re obsessing over an earth sign and their lack of communication. You have to control your impulses to buy too much stuff at once. You may already be in debt and behind on loans. Not a good idea to take another one out. You also may unexpectedly find a coworker attractive which could lead to a romance. You’re in the belly of the beast meaning you want what’s bad for you.
Cancer: Relief coming in for your career and finances. You may get the green light that you are approved to transfer or if you have Sagittarius/Virgo in your chart you’ll decide today that you’re quitting your job. You’ll also be releasing codependent habits and relationships. It’s likely you’ll be reconciled with your father. You’re gaining your confidence back. Getting over an illness/cold and working on new things.
Leo: Came too far to change your mind. You’ll be signing up for too many subscriptions today and some of you will be signing up for a multi-level marketing brand. This isn’t a smart choice for quick cash; it’s a waste of money. If your parents are no longer together they may come face-to-face for the holidays. You also may find yourself feeling lonely as you go to parties or gatherings by yourself. Whatever you do, don’t bring your ex just because you want someone next to you.
Virgo: Having a hard time finding something to wear for a date. If you’ve been with someone for some time you may feel irritated they aren’t inviting you to their family gatherings. Issues with gardens, cars, or taking medicine that's expired. Some of you have diabetes and it’s time to go to the doctor. If you’ve been fed up for three years in a marriage, today is the day you walk away. No, you’re not pregnant.
Libra: Positive feedback is starting to make its way toward you today in your career. You’ll have to fill in for a manager or a team lead today and you’ll receive praises for a job well done. So even though you may want to call in sick (unless you’re actually sick), go in anyway. You may notice people showing more interest in you romantically than before. A Leo sun, moon, or rising will be making you feel special with flowers or chocolate. Work should be fun today
Scorpio: Pockets are feeling a bit empty now. A debt will be pulled from your account unexpectedly around 3 or 5 a.m. So you may be able to find a solution or call the company and set up payment arrangements. Today is a heavy day for breakups or separations if you’re with a Taurus, Virgo or Leo. A parent may be having financial issues or they need a place to stay and they will call you. You will decide not to help them out this time. Recommend they go to your sister.
Sagittarius: Endings and new beginnings. You’ll be very explorative today and will be in the mood to try new things in sex. Someone wants you to change your mind or truth about a situation from last Thursday or Monday. You’ll be trading in a car today or having home decor delivered. You’ll also be in the mood for cupcakes, maybe even binge-watching Will Ferrell movies
Capricorn: They didn’t accept or acknowledge your peace offering from yesterday. You’ll find solace in spending time with family and friends today. Also, make sure you go to the store before eight. You’ll be having issues with cavities or molars around mid-day. You’ll be fixing things up with a cancer or water sign this evening. Finally, you and this person will get on the same page. Start a new chapter book, go for sci-fi or fantasy. It will be a pretty calm and chill day. Clean your house and wash your sheets.
Aquarius: Your peace may be disturbed today as it feels that all someone wants to do is argue. Be mindful about wanting to spend too much money. You may let slip that you’re not completely single and it may push a new person away that you like. Take a break from starting new projects or implementing new ideas as it won’t bring the success you think. Don’t throw your phone out of frustration. A comedy movie, book or tv show will be good for you. You want out of this controlling situation.
Pisces: Still don’t know where you’ll go or what you’re going to do for work. Having issues finding a new home, a new or better job since the end of August. Don’t sign anything today or you’ll regret it for seven months or years. You also don’t know if this offer from an earth sign you have a history with is worth it. You feel they should have offered you something when your heart was still in it. You can’t walk away from this job yet even though the pay sucks, you still have responsibilities. A new opportunity will come in four weeks or four months.