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Daily Horoscopes November 8

Check sun moon rising to get the full picture

Aries ♈️ : You’ll likely be feeling ambitious and daring during this time and may want to take a leap of faith in a different city, state, or country. It’s best to get out of your comfort zone and try something that scares you. Patch things up with your father.

Taurus ♉️ : It’s best to wait now for the opportunities or conversations to come to you. You’ll be doing things because you have to not because you want to and due to this it may stir up feelings of envy or jealousy. You may lack clarity today so get a second opinion.

Gemini ♊️ : You’ll be in the mood for intimacy and romance and if you don’t have a partner you’ll have the guts to put yourself out there to meet one. Don’t assume people will understand where you’re coming from, explain your feelings openly. A good time to negotiate pay raises or contracts.

Cancer ♋️: Focus on your health instead of constantly sweeping it under the rug. Today is the perfect day to get started on your new workout routine and stop postponing important things that need to be taken care of. Avoid being critical of others and having unrealistic expectations

Leo ♌️ : You are in the mood for expressing yourself in a different way. A different genre of music, a different wardrobe, or a different hairstyle may interest you. Being in the right place at the right time today and be careful to not go overboard with your spending.

Virgo ♍️ : A good time to finish up that to-do list of chores or to finally make your house feel like a home with more inviting or vibrant decorations. Don’t act recklessly with people today if they aren’t responding to your emotions how you would like.

Libra ♎️ : Express your feelings through writing since you feel that you aren’t being heard. You could get in touch with old friends from your past or you and a sibling will connect if they have been in another place. You may have to give yourself a pep talk to get things done.

Scorpio ♏️ : Take care of your unhealthy eating habits and tend to the issues with your lungs. Family secrets or secrets in relationships will be revealed during this time so pay attention to your dreams. Not a good day to try and win arguments as you’ll be on the losing side.

Sagittarius ♐️ : This is a time of rejuvenation and renewal. You’ll be in the mood to nurture those around you but may have a fluctuation of feelings if they aren’t being appreciative of what you’re doing for them. You’ll be able to find solutions to problems toward the end of the day.

Capricorn ♑️ : You want to escape from the daily routine of life. You may go for a short distance trip or you’ll try something new that’s outside your comfort zone. Enjoy this alone time and pick up a good book or find inspiration from learning about the occult. People will feel inspired by you today.

Aquarius ♒️ : You will feel invincible today and will be spending a lot of time on social media. Make sure that you’re not saying anything and everything or it could get you in trouble. You’ll find a way through your blockages today and make sure you’re not being unrealistic about the future.

Pisces ♓️ : Take your time today and don’t rush. You will handle obstacles thrown your way with ease and you’ll be achieving a short-term goal of yours today. Don’t hide your feelings. If someone pisses you off let them know, if they make you sad, let them know.

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