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June 03, 2021 Transits

The moon is now void until 1:58p where it will move from Pisces to Aries. Let’s just fight about it! People will go from dreamy to impulsive, but It’s a good time to face your fears

1:58p: Moon is now in Aries. Things will pick up speed over the next couple of days as you awaken with new energy. The early bird gets the worm so get there on time and don’t shy away from competition

3;05p: Sun trine Jupiter - whatever you choose to build on can bring you a solid foundation for the future, but the key is to finish what you’ve already started. Don’t overcomplicate things, just keep it simple. Unexpected gains will improve your financial situation

5:10p: Moon square Venus - a pointless argument. They may have hurt your feelings but it was all a miscommunication. Once you’re clear on what you want then you can move forward



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