For the extended version, you can view it at the link below. Must be subscribed to my vault (if you aren't already) in order for you to read it
Aries ♈️ - Death (rx)*- slow ending, sadness, car issues
Taurus ♉️- Emperor- co-parenting, STD (syphilis), inheritance, management position
Gemini ♊️ - 3 of cups (rx)*- Jealous friend/neighbor, canceled party, on the run, miscommunication
Cancer ♋️ - 7 of pentacles (rx)*- lack of growth, hair, fever, closing a chapter, lack of recognition, name your price
Leo ♌️- King of Cups (rx)*- dieting, new clothes, steroid shot, anxiety
Virgo ♍️- Seven of Cups (rx)*- illusion, the internet, melancholy, maintenance, winner’s circle
Libra ♎️-Queen of pentacles (rx)*- body conscious, sore breasts, too much sugar, greed, sick pet
Scorpio ♏️- King of Wands- solitude, grace, peace, new boss
Sagittarius ♐️-Hierophant- structure, government, envelope coming, receipts, cashed check
Capricorn ♑ - Devil- Obsession, addictions, fire, Taurus, Signature, rough sex
Aquarius ♒️ - Six of Wands (rx)*- boundaries, loss of reputation, issues with health, mission trip, no promotion
Pisces ♓ - Tower - crossing the line, revelation, unexpected money, an offer from someone who put you in a third party situation
