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Mini Horoscopes Nov 25-Dec 1: Thoughts are all over the place

Aries: Devil: anger, resentment, cold case, packaging, jealousy, black or green envelope, dietary changes, knowledge, ledger, bondage, BDSM, problems eating, tonsil issue, lack of options, foresight, eve, argumentative, 'yes your honor', traffic stop, sexuality, they're looking for a one night stand, shadow side, life feels like it's slowing down, aging

Angel Card: Benefactor: Someone is willing to lend you a helping hand, all you have to do is ask

Taurus: Justice: cause and effect, dill pickle, idaho, vermont, two-way radio, spilling the tea, secrets, pancreatitis, hypocrisy, Billy, wishing well, trial, lawsuit, studio apartment, for rent or for sale sign, drain is stopped up, losing your hair, integrity, lie detector, spanish, responsibility, television, N'Sync, contract, new love will not come this week, speaking with a divorce lawyer, putting your money under your mattress or in a drawer, the final decision will be fair

Angel Card: Me-Tox: You can't always be the fixer of other people's problems and forget about yourself

Gemini: Temperance (reversed): differences of opinion, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, drainage in your ears, fiasco, tempers flare up, running a fever, one-sided relationship with an air sign, irreconcilable differences on the divorce papers, windy city, setting short term goals, cleaning out an attic, garage or storage unit, struggling to get adequate rest, excess, expensive study or travel, doggy door, ground yourself, a gold or silver necklace, wine glasses, tea party, emancipation proclamation

Angel Card: Horseman: Time to go for the change and stop procrastinating

Cancer: Five of Wands: defense strategy, phone interview, talking with friends, a storm is coming, a new hobby, someone needs to talk with you, the phone constantly ringing, mold, ice cream, Sunday, competition, panel interview, lack of leadership, don't have a common goal, Leo, group work, committee, election, scholarship, strong personality, overheating, don't leave the stove on, stepping up, someone asks you to take the lead, two weeks notice, passion, drive

Angel Card: The Will: An obstacle pops up to see if you're really serious about this new beginning

Leo: Six of swords (reversed): canceling at the last minute, risky journey, feeling sick after traveling, seasickness, feeling stuck, stuffy nose, issues with your feet, calves, or ankles, a situation not improving, circumstances are not ideal, danger creeping up behind you, spikes in the road, delayed response from a doctor, words may hurt this week, you're just not ready, Vincent, Amelia, Scott, Ivy, steroid shot for the knee, tantrum, whispering, raspy or losing your voice

Angel Card: Dream Thief: This person doesn't want you to succeed and they have stolen your idea

Virgo: Hierophant: help from the government, food bank, tables and chairs, party, expensive robe or necklace, district, jurisdiction, institutions, education, paperwork, speaking another language, religion, church, spiritual knowing, guidance, counselor, marriage counseling, orthodox, status quo, speaking with your father or male about marriage, values, cat, teaching license, private school, tradition, receiving a blessing, portrait, express yourself more clearly, musical instrument

Angel Card: Dragon's Hoard: protect your goals, dreams, and ambitions by keeping them to yourself

Libra: Knight of Swords: swift changes, making progress, sailboat, traveling in a car, making a quick decision, confident, rational, logical, communicative, community college, speaking with your neighbor, mind control, outer space, glasses clashing, getting to the truth, finding the facts, it's not what you think, don't drive yourself crazy, slow and steady may win this race, tunnel vision, Edinburgh, Steven, municipal, an air sign avoiding you, put a watch on, start the timer, cramming for a test

Angel Card: Gathering Around: The importance of family

Scorpio: Eight of Pentacles (reversed): ideals clashing, not much work, missing a paycheck, losing a collector's item, Virgo, bookshelf, library card, renovations, domestic dispute, childish Gambino, Stephen, losing focus, you both aren't on the same page, losing weight, a hole in your pocket, boring job, boss being tedious, thinking about learning a new skill, job searching, cavalier, chemistry, ego, Simpson, stalker, feeling revengeful, Eric, statue, graveyard, find something you are dedicated about, partner asking you for money or vice versa

Angel Card: Crown of Games: Someone is abusing their power. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Sagittarius: Magician: someone is wearing a mask, Aquarius, Capricorn, manifesting, vision board, board meeting, calcium intake, spinal cord, new shoes, planet fitness, perfecting a skill, discovering a talent, talent manager, invite-only party, awareness, using your resources, working on your communication skills, interviewing for your manager's position, craving danger or sweets, rollercoasters, car sick, married man or woman flirting with you, coffee cup with your name, eagle, elevator, contact lense

Angel Card: Watchers: Take a personal day, watching your phone isn't going to make them call

Capricorn: Death: Finishing what you started, a slow ending, egregious claim, Dominic, dominoes, ladder, flights of stairs, Eiffel tower, bucket list, stage play, outfit change, greens, black and white spider, Hershey bar, rebirth, loss, fiscal loss, change that makes you uncomfortable, mesmerizing, elimination, playing games, severing ties, wishful thinking, bad project design, consumer report, cash car, unbelievable, hindrance, sweeping the floor, money under the couch, stomach pains, simply irresistible but doesn't mean it's healthy

Angel Card: Eye of the Needle: You're not being intentional about what you want; the guessing game

Aquarius: Queen of Wands: Grey area, mortgage, reports, looking to sell something, focusing on a business, standing in your power, friends with benefits, willing, popular, challenging someone's beliefs or opinion, losing your temper with a daughter or other woman, feeling under-appreciated by a fire sign, building blocks, working on a computer, teacher, mentor, someone leaning on you for help, cooking at home, cleaning out your refrigerator, going on a date but not speaking to them again, nose bleed

Angel Card: Empty Well: You've given them enough, stop pouring into their cup

Pisces: World: creative, online project, online class, meeting a new friend online, keeping your page open, renewing or getting a passport, 'sweet escape' by Gwen Stefani, new music, music fan, meeting someone who's been admiring you from afar, ending a cycle, washing machine, circus, merry-go-round, fulfillment, celebration, unity, feeling accomplished, being a perfectionist, violin, orchestra, crowded room, playing the lottery, looking for a new pet, getting hair extensions, luck will be on your side in a new city, hair salon, doormat, doorbell rings

Angel Card: Connectivity: There's more to life than the four walls of your house. Go Outside



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