This week you may be focused on a long-distance relationship with a Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. If you aren’t focused on love then around the 12th or 13th, you will be planning some sort of long-distance trip or getting ticket assignments for a work trip that will happen in March or April. You may run across a very interesting person before this week is over and you could meet them at a party, garden party, at a child’s school, or participating in a hobby that involves bending at the knees or lifting weights. This is a good week to do more spiritual research about a retreat you want to attend in August, September, or November of this year. Some of you may be thinking about going to the botanical gardens or you may be thinking about going to some sort of spa for cleansing work. If you feel pulled to get a massage then this would be a good week to move forward with that. Don’t experiment with any psychedelics, hallucinogens, or any sort of addictive habits or you will struggle to break them for the next 13 months. Someone in your work environment may start flirting with you in front of your boss if you decide to wear a skirt or shorts. This may make you feel uncomfortable because this person is your boss or they may work closely with your boss. If you live with someone then this week this person may have to travel or if you are wanting them to spend the night, at the last minute this person may have an excuse as to why they can’t stay. There may be a Leo or Pisces around them that is being some sort of distraction. Not a good week to apply for jobs that involve culinary, hospitality, or legal. It feels these jobs are capped off at a particular amount so it feels you won’t exceed the salary of $50,000, even if you are there for 8 years.
You could be journaling a lot this week when it pertains to pass hurt or trauma. You’ve been feeling pretty lonely these last 14 hours or 14 days. There may be someone around you who is having issues with their lungs, heart or something tied to the capillaries which would be the blood. Doesn’t feel that you will be super concerned about love until Taurus season. You just want to make sure that your health is okay or the health of a parent or child, since we have the 5th house energy coming through. You seem to be moving faster than someone you’re interested in anyway and this person is always looking for you to make the decisions when it comes to finances. Issues with cavities or bad breath for the next 7 days and it’s likely time for you to make an appointment to see the dentist. Some of you may be wanting to get braces or some sort of procedure to help fix your teeth and you could go for that consultation soon. Unexpected changes to your job are likely to happen on Thursday. You may find yourself in front of the copier a lot or doing a lot of front office things that aren’t even a part of your job description. Feels like someone is going into labor and you may have to step in to take care of their duties. With Uranus here, the planet of unexpected changes in finances since it's in Taurus right now, you have to watch out for investing in a startup company at a distance. Some of you will be considering going back to school but this could be you have to pay entirely out of pocket. You don't have the money right now to do so, so it’s better for you to wait another three weeks or three months before re-enrolling. An Aries, Capricorn, or Leo will be being sarcastic or aggressive with you when it pertains to raising children, custody, or investing in their business. This person may even try to make you feel bad for cheating on them in the past or doing something they didn’t like. They will use this to try and sway you back into their bed or to try and get you to lend them some money. It feels like they haven’t paid you back the $30, $300, or $700 you loaned them in the past. And if you say no to them, I feel they will use your kids or their kids as a weapon to get you to give them the money anyway. By the way, this could be your older sibling since the energy of a firstborn child is coming through.
There may be a Cancer or Virgo person that you will be communicating with this week, specifically on the 16th or 6 days from when you read this horoscope. There seems to be a decision that has to be made between the two of you to either split up or to try and make this work. Right now they may be being very emotional due to hormones or this person has just recovered from some sort of illness and there could be money problems on the table. The issue here is that something is not expanding or this person will not be wanting to hear you out. Now, this may also be a Pisces or Sagittarius. Looks like you want to be in a relationship with them or they want to be in a relationship with you. But right now the moon feels a bit unsure of itself. You may not know that you are competing for this persons’ heart at the moment with someone that they live with or far from (they could live with a roommate). By the end of the week, there will be a lot of things you want to say. Issues with doctors' notes being excused by your employer are likely in the next 26 hours. The biggest issue for you this week is withdrawals from this person who will be taking a step back from this situation. This person may already be cold and you will likely mirror them. Make sure that you are seeing this situation clearly but also make sure that you aren’t signing up or engaging in opportunities that don’t have any reviews. It’s a possibility that you could get scammed this week when it comes to healthcare issues, fashion, pets or legal stuff. You will be reading a book this week that will be transformative to you and it could have something to do with using your powers in the right way or this may even be a book about psychology. You really want to be enlightened as you may feel that things have gotten pretty stagnant, so you’ll be looking all over the place for inspiration or just a glimpse of hope. Especially since things will not be going that great with your person as it feels they are more open to friends than reconciliation. But you on the other hand are also worried about a job situation so you don’t have much room to worry about love either. Unfortunately, you may hear about a boss or old coworker who may overdose, so the energy of actual death is coming through. Some of you are in same-sex relationships or you will accidentally be falling in love with someone of the same sex this year.
This week you may be going through the dark night of the soul. You will be isolating yourself away from your younger siblings, neighborhood, or if you joined some sort of book club then you will be sitting this week out. The moon or I should say you, may not be very happy about how things have been going with a Gemini, Pisces, Taurus, or Aries. You also may be dealing with stomach issues by the end of the week if you are eating a lot of selfish or canned food. Make sure that you are paying attention to the food you will be eating because some of you may accidentally get your food and a pet's food mixed up. But the thing is that you will be quite scatterbrained for the first 2-4 days of this week. With the 12th house energy coming through, you will feel that maybe people don’t really know you after all since they keep saying that you are walled up or hiding things. You are going through some sort of ending to a cycle and you may be feeling pulled to move a short distance to a new house or to relocate altogether. Right now you just want to run away and I don’t think a permanent move is on the calendar for you. If you have heavy water placements in your chart, your dreams will be crazy during this week and this may be a good time to strengthen your intuition but also to let go of any sort of toxic connections. This week you may be deciding to leave behind any sort of hospital work, spiritual work, or work that isolates you for a career in media, communications, fitness instructor, writing, traveling, education or even being a manicurist. Speaking of manicures, you could help satisfy this 12th house energy by going to get a manicure or haircut on Wednesday or Thursday. Right now you are just looking for things to expand and some of you are wanting to expand your family situation by having a baby but one of you doesn't want your career to suffer by bringing another child into the situation. A lover is acting as if they have done no wrong in a situation. You don't like that about them and you and this person may argue about that in the next 3 days or on a Thursday. You’ll still be recovering this week from some sort of illness that may take another 9 days before you are fully feeling better. Tingling with the knees as well as the hands is likely but you need to find a way to get the blood flowing again. Too much sitting down and not enough working out. If you’re dealing with an air sign, you will start to feel better about them starting today but you’ll be changing how you feel again and you may decide to reach back out to a Pisces or give a Capricorn a chance. So it feels like you have three people to choose from.
Right now you are not feeling at your best. You may normally be a very bubbly type of person but with the recent changes in your work schedule or these changes will find you soon, you feel that you just can’t get any rest or keep up like you used to. Maybe find a way to cut out any red or dark meat that you have been eating. But also I see you moving away from a stubborn Aquarius or another fixed sign person. I know, stubbornness fits all the fixed sign people, but this person takes the cake. Things won’t be moving forward just yet and you will have to wait until it gets closer to Pisces season for things to start to pick up in work. Recently you’ve been wearing a lot of red or Scorpio-type colors and I see you trying to be incognito about something. Feels like you are trying to hide from someone or you just don’t want to be bothered by people right now. Five days or five months ago you may have separated from someone who still has your heart and you will be wondering this week what this person is up to. You may even feel pulled to dial their number that you still have saved in your phone. If you have children outside of the relationship you’re in now, your person will be expressing their frustration with that. I mean it’s a little late to say how they aren’t a fan that you have kids with someone else, but for some reason this week they will want to talk about this. You may be dealing with legal issues tied to a child and after speaking with the council they may be telling you that it’s best to wait it out or let the situation die down or else you’ll be out over $5000. Since you’ll be focusing on yourself it is a good week to seek out an investor or go after that open position in your company. Some Leo's will be thinking about going to law school or getting into a career that deals with the law or government. Singles will become official with someone in the next 6 months or likely by your season. This person isn’t ready to put titles on it and some of you, this is someone that you are currently dating. So you guys will continue to hang out for a little while longer and then you will make it official in the fall. This may be the case if you are going through a divorce or ending a previous situation and you don’t want them catching feelings too soon. Now if you aren’t divorced or separated, you may feel blindsided by this if you are dating an Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, or other Leo. Feels that this person has been planning to leave you behind and right now they feel stronger about making things happen on their own. There is a Pisces that you may be interested in if you are looking for someone completely new and you will be meeting them in 12 days or 12 weeks from now.
You will be focused on your money this week and your possessions. You may be thinking about buying a new wardrobe, tickets to an upcoming concert, or planning a trip for you and your kids for the summer. Money will come in from things that you consider to be fun and this means you could be turning a hobby into a career during this week. You may be sought out to be a part of a sports team that could be hockey, tennis, swimming, basketball, or any sport that requires the use of the hands. This may even happen for a child that is interested in playing sports. You will want to spend a lot of time outside in nature but make sure that you are dressing appropriately for the weather. Some of you may be attending some sort of rooftop party or a party outside, but you may end up coming down with an illness 1 day after you attend this event. An unexpected conversation with an authority figure or your boss will be happening by the end of this week or on the 26th or 27th of this month. Feels that you have been taking too many unexcused days off and they want to talk to you about your attendance. You are hopelessly devoted to a Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus, or Aquarius person even though this situation is constantly off and on. For this week, this person will be deciding to weather the storm in regards to your situation and change things about how they communicate with you or how they handle their finances. The best thing for you to do this week is to stay devoted to your job or this consistent source of income. Of course, you can go for a second job or go for a side gig but make sure not to let go of your main thing. If you let go of your job you will be regretting it 14 days after you submit your resignation. You also could be thinking about adopting a pet from the humane society or you will be getting it from some other organization. Community service hours are coming through and if you have to do them you will decide to do this at an animal shelter. If you were thinking about giving up your dog for adoption, you will be changing your mind by the end of the week or in the next 7-24 hours. If you are an artist you may get some of your artwork published in a magazine. Other Virgos will be focused on photography or having mini photoshoots in your closet or your room. This will be happening this weekend. This is a good week where you’ll be focused on loving yourself more and you will achieve it.
You will be spending a lot of time with a younger sibling who could be a Capricorn this week. Cleaning up your social media or going for a particular aesthetic is likely. You actually may be complimented on your taste or style by someone on the internet or this may be a boss if they are younger than you. Clam chowder may be a favorite soup of yours this week and I see you eating a lot of vegetables. You may even be thinking about going vegan and this may stick this time. I see you tried it back in 2011, 2013 or two years ago but you just couldn’t stick with it because it was causing issues with your eyesight or making you dizzy. This is a good week to try something daring when it comes to your style as you may be considered as a muse soon when it comes to fashion or changes in fashion. You could be going for a more streetwear look or some of you will be going for a more refined, neutral tone type of style. Either way, people will be drawn to you because of these changes. Now you may not be feeling all that great about your person this week as it seems they are having to travel or you guys are growing apart. One person is focused on having fun, avoiding responsibilities, while the other is stuck at home with the kids. They don’t really understand your frustration or understand that things can’t continue like this for another two years. You still love this person but the thing is that this person is eyeing someone in their workspace. Since the moon is involved it doesn’t feel this will last but it does look as if the temptation will actually take this time and your person will have a hard time controlling themselves. So it does look to be some sort of disturbance that will be stepping in the way of this connection. This would explain why all of a sudden it feels like you both aren’t close anymore. Now you may be irritated with this because you rejected or declined an offer from an Aries or Capricorn to be with this person and you may be wondering if that offer is still on the table. A big part of you this week will be loving on your children and focusing on what they need, especially after this person just seems to remain closed off. You may be interested in graphic design or interior design by the end of the week. This will be a nice thing to help get your mind off the stress. Also, an unexpected expense tied to a bank account, traveling, education, water heater, or roof could be causing some sort of financial setback. This could take place in the next three days or this is something that you’ve already been notified about but you’ve been ignoring it. Now you won't’ be able to because it may even be something tied to a shut-off or account closure notice
Things may feel a bit volatile at work and this may be having a direct effect on your home life. This week you’ll just want to have fun and you’ll want to come home to no drama. You’ll be getting what you want however as I said, there is an authority figure at your job that you may be going toe to toe with on Thursday or Friday of this week. Some of you may not have been having emotional or financial support at home over the last 12-27 days, so you may have confided in a coworker or boss and now this person will be using this against you. So before things get out of hand make sure you take a step back and just breathe. This person that will be getting under your skin could be a Gemini or this is someone who has a twin brother or sister. You are inspired by truth this week and you are up for the challenge if this person tries to exert their authority over you or talk to you in a demeaning manner. You may find yourself having to challenge some sort of medical bill that you may have incurred in 2021 or up to 27 months ago. This is something that should have been taken care of by your insurance but they dropped the ball. I also see you going to battle when it pertains to the vaccine and it looks like you will be winning or you will decide to leave a company and go to another that is more lenient. This week you will find yourself having to adjust to a lot of things or changes when it comes to career, finances, or past debts that you owe. Some Scorpios will be dabbling into magic and going for money spell work that I feel will be successful if you decide to do it in the next 6 hours or days. The effects of this spellwork will last for less than 6 months but more than 3 weeks. So if someone is doing this for you and they say it can last longer than what I’ve stated above, I would take that with a grain of salt. You and an air sign may be getting into it over something small but in the end, you will end up having makeup sex or if you are dealing with a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces then the same situation can occur. Also not a good week for you to try to go off on your own, especially if you live with someone. If you are planning to leave someone and go toward a new love be careful because this new love is poisoning your mind. They may be trying to make it seem like they have all these things or accolades but it feels this person is not who you think. The risk of food poisoning is likely this week. You have to take better care of your health and stop thinking that you are invisible. There’s an underlying health condition that you’ve had since you were 14 or for the last 14 weeks and it's not getting much better; go to the doctor.
You could become official with a Pisces or other Sagittarius by the end of this week. If you are already in a relationship with this person then you and they will be discussing long-distance travel, a second honeymoon, or planning your first honeymoon as well as even buying a house in the next 9 months. You’ll have good luck with institutions this week and if you’ve recently been tied up in a court case that deals with jewelry, school, divorce or rental property then you will be coming out on top. I see a payout that may be coming toward you in the form of child support, alimony or this may be some sort of benefits from the current company you work for. Some Sagittarius will be borrowing against their 401k by the end of the week and if you were worried about it getting approved, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. You also may be in the mood to donate food, supplies to a school you used to go to or this may be for some sort of charity. You’ll also be learning about your ancestors or your past and some of you may find out about an elder that owned some land and you may have rights to this. I’m not sure how this works but it feels that you should talk to your mother or her side of the family about this. You will also be quite eccentric this week and you may be heavily into reggae, folklore, or any sort of whimsical type music. Be very careful to not get caught up and watch constant seasons of shows on Netflix or your favorite streaming platform because you’ll forget to do your work. Someone may be coming at you in an aggressive manner by the end of the week and this could be a Libra, Virgo, Pisces, or Scorpio. You may be accused of owing someone money but it seems they have the wrong person. Not a good week to be a tester for any sort of cosmetic procedures or products as you will have a breakout on your nose or inner thigh and it may get pretty bad. Even though you may not trust this person of yours that you have decided to continue forward with, by the end of the week you will be pretending that their lies or excuses are no big deal. So you will decide to live in a complete state of bliss when it comes to this person that gives you red flags. But once you’ve committed it’s pretty hard to convince you that you may be headed toward a brick wall. So onward is where you will go when it comes to this person.
You are feeling good this week about your health, especially if you’ve been going through a lot of tests at the doctor or you just haven’t been feeling good this month. However, you will be focused on or worried about your finances. Your money is going to the wrong hands so also make sure if you changed your bank account, that the numbers are correct. There will be some sort of check that may end up getting sent back to the issuer because you had the wrong numbers. There also may be issues with power outages tied to planes, trains or automobiles so make sure that you have a flashlight or if you’ve been feeling pulled to get a new battery for your car, then it looks like you should get ahead of this. You are also still dealing with some sort of unexpected breakup in your career sector or you may have been unexpectedly dropped from some sort of benefit at your job or through a company. They didn’t send you a notice or anything so you may even think about seeking legal action for this. As much as you may want to have fun and screw around to avoid your responsibilities, these responsibilities may feel like they are doubling this week. Work will be giving you more assignments but also you may receive news from afar that you will have to take care of a relative for some time because they are seriously ill. This could be your father, grandfather, or even a brother. Not a good week to invest in a cryptocurrency that starts with the letter c, p, h, I or s as I don’t see any returns coming in from this particular venture. Actually one of these currencies may even go bankrupt in a way soon. So fun is off the table for the time being as you work to get your finances back in order as well as get your house back in order. If you lived with someone and they just moved out, you are still trying to clean up the mess they left behind and this may even include having to redecorate your space. Issues with an Aquarius who feels they are never wrong will be coming up for you this week. If you are in a romantic situation with this person, air sign or Virgo, you keep trying to get rid of them, but yet they seem immovable. So I don't see a breakup here for a while, even though it feels like you and this person are constantly butting heads or going through tough times. These times will continue for another 6 weeks, so try to find a way to co-exist. Because they aren’t leaving and you’ll get tired of fighting and just give in. But if you and they aren’t together, they aren’t going to change their mind on reconciling so stop asking and stop hoping.
You are feeling better if you just went through a breakup or separation with a Leo or fire sign. At first, you weren’t feeling so great about leaving this behind as you felt mistreated or you felt that it was unfair on how things ended, but you will be focused on moving forward during this week. Not to move on completely and forget about them because I actually see that you will still be considering getting back together with this person for another two years. But for this week you will be focused on signing contracts, fixing your credit so you can buy a home, or actually working on moving to a new place. This person you could be dealing with could be a Cancer or a libra that has been giving you some trouble about committing since Saturn moved into Aquarius, which would have been around 16-24 weeks ago. This week you will have a really good idea that could end up making you a lot of money when it pertains to technology or writing. Some of you want to get into the field of producing or scriptwriting and you could be sending your work off to a company in about 4 days or 4 months from now. Even though you will still be thinking of this ex, you may be meeting someone new this week who is older and their grandparents may have their names in the history book. Feels like you are meeting someone who has some sort of household name in your city or community. This person may even have thought about running for public office or this person also may be working on getting their engineering degree. Or you actually may be the one deciding to go back to school to get your engineering degree, which I feel it will be successful. The planet of transformation is heading toward you soon and that means if you haven’t gotten your shit together when it comes to your career then you may suffer an unexpected setback or job loss. Don’t slack off at work or cut corners or else this could come back to bite you. Some of you want to be done with a job anyway but make sure you aren’t manifesting an unexpected ending to the point where it will cause you to struggle too long before you get back on your feet. Honestly, by the end of the week, you may have a moment and feel that it’s better for you to just give your current job a fair chance. Some of you will retire here or you won’t be moving on to something new for another year or 16 months. So have a better attitude about the situation. It feels the money is good anyway. But if you aren’t dealing with anyone, I feel you’ll just be okay with being single for now.
You’ll be feeling lucky this week and you may be thinking about hitting the casino or taking a gamble and entering your name into some sort of contest. In the past 3-4 days or weeks you may have decided to leave behind another Pisces, Capricorn, or Aries and now you’ve decided to focus your energy on a cancer or Gemini. Now, this cancer or Gemini may have this placement as their moon sign, but either way, you are looking to see if this situation will work this time. There may be some confusing communication coming in from this person as someone may be threatening to leave or be completely done. This may be what prompts you to give them more of your attention. On the other end, this person may be in need right now when it comes to their finances or some sort of health issue that they are battling. SO you want to be there to be a helping hand because you don’t want them to think that you only care about a relationship or just about yourself. If you are submitting a proposal for a promotion or submitting your resume for a new job, I see issues applying or getting the initial interview for the position. Especially if you are applying for a marketing position, behavioral health specialist, psychologist, speech therapist, kindergarten teacher, or anything associated with sales or communication. You’ll have to keep shopping around for the right company for you as I don’t see much success coming into you right now. A mother may be calling you at the end of the week as she needs help with taxes or some changes to her finances. She may even be asking you for money as she may have had to take a week off due to covid. By the end of the week if you aren’t dealing with anyone, then a very dreamy libra may be trying to sweep you off your feet or this libra is from your past. You will accept this persons’ offer as you admire their effort but it feels that you’ve already left this person behind a few weeks ago. However, the person you will give your attention to will be playing hard to get or emotionally confusing you so you will again turn your attention to someone else. Travel documents, visa’s or passport applications will be approved this week or if you are wanting to study abroad or transfer within your company then you’ll have success with this.