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Weekly Horoscopes Jan 26-Feb 1: Progress

You may be riddled with grief this week about a childhood friend who may be dealing with an illness or this may have something to do with your younger sibling. If you are trying to make a trip back home in less than three weeks you may be unable to go or you'll have to reschedule because of weather or a scheduling conflict. Problems arise again in matters of the heart because you’re having a hard time letting go of the past. Especially if you were involved in a relationship and you were blindsided by the fact this person was married or in another relationship. Breathing issues could be affecting you and you may need your inhaler again if you haven’t used it in a while. A separation may take place during this week and it may be due to an unexpected work situation or someone will decide to take a step back because of family reasons. Don’t fight against things that are outside of your control this week as it won’t get you far. There is no third party but you have been beaten down with mistrust and betrayal that your mind just can’t fathom this person not cheating. It may be time to address these abandonment issues you feel.

You won’t feel like you can get a word in this week when it comes to dealing with your children or a romantic partner. The same argument keeps resurfacing between you and this person. Other’s of you, this argument is with your father or parent and they are expressing their dissatisfaction with your relationship choices. If you are wanting to get into taekwondo or some sort of action-oriented sport then it would be a good week to do so. A text message will be coming toward you on the 28th, 29th, or the 3rd of February, and yet again this person will want to argue about petty things or something tied to money. If you are having food this week that has gravy, make sure that it passes the smell test because it may be old. Watch out for hot plates, stoves, or sharp silverware and this may even be a clumsy week for you as well so watch your step. An air sign person may be trying to communicate or enter your life again, but you haven’t forgotten what this person has put you through. They may be interested in fighting for you again but you don’t trust them. Drawing, investing in crypto, or even doing more research on NFT’s may round out your week. The best thing to do this week is to stay out of the way. If an argument happens just walk away and go for a drive until things cool off. This is not the week to let things get out of hand.

This week you are feeling that you are loyal to them but the same thing isn’t being reciprocated. So if you are dealing with an air sign you will drop them and decide to give the fire/water sign person a chance. Now some of you have been dealing with this air sign while becoming or being serious with someone else. It may be that your guilt has caught up with you if you’ve been participating in your own third-party situation. If you work in the field of technology, engineering, or bartending then you will have some issues with authority or older people ages 39-53. It’s a good chance this week that you could be given someone else’s project and you will be doing good on this. This will bring you toward a leadership position in the next 15 weeks or months so make sure that you do your best. There are two people around you that may be influencing your decision-making, while one wants the best for you the other just wants to pull you away from the person who actually cares. Feels like this air sign has ulterior motives and has had these since the beginning. A friend will be picking up on this and bringing it to your attention but you won’t be ready to listen to this. If you are trying to get approved for loans, mortgages, or credit cards then you will have a good chance on Wednesday or Friday. Trust your intuition this week as a woman will be showing up in your dreams. She is actually trying to show you the direction you should be taking so try not to ignore this.

You will be back on the prowl again this week as you continue your search for a better job or a job period. You are conquering your fears and fighting your demons but you may feel this week like giving up because progress may not be made as fast as you'd like. But you mustn't go back. You are doing a good job and you have to keep pushing forward. You are playing the long game this week when it comes to your investments but also relationships. Someone is actually making changes or feeling better about this connection but a big part of you doesn't believe them. The advice this week is to keep watering what you have created. This could be something that you started in Capricorn season of this year or dating back to 2015-2018. So you won’t be letting go of this person or this thing like you thought you would because a light bulb moment will come over you and you will feel that this can turn around. Not a good week to send off applications for school tied to your kids or for you as well. If you are thinking about getting a new car, I don’t see it will be approved. Especially if you are thinking about buying a car from one of those online dealers that have to deliver it to you. The energy is saying to wait until June or October this year for a big purchase. If you’ve separated from someone even though you won’t be hearing from them for the next 7 days or 7 weeks, you will still plant your feet in the sand and decide not to move on yet. You are healing this week in a big way which is good.

Things may not turn out the way you would have hoped when it comes to the past. You have been dating or emotionally involved with a water sign who could be at a distance and this person may end up ghosting you this week. However, things may not be as they appear. This person is having personal issues that they don’t want to share with you right now nor do they know how to properly communicate them to you. Run, walk or do some sort of light exercises this week to help you find balance with your emotions. It will be hard not to think about this person because they left without an explanation but this is also someone that doesn’t deal with stress well. So this may be the one time where you can have an understanding but if it happens again in the next five weeks then you will know that this person has to stay gone. Throw out any old food or old clothes that are just taking up too much space. You have two options that lay in front of you right now, one path makes you feel more restricted than the other. This may be the reason why you still hold a space for your past because it’s easier and you still hope that one-day things can come back together. So maybe this new person is just holding a space for someone that you still think about heavily. Feels to be two water signs that you are considering, one Scorpio and the other may be a Cancer. Unexpected travel plans will have to be made on Thursday or Saturday, someone will be unblocking you as they need help with their car or getting a ride home from work. You may feel someone is trying to bribe you into making a decision about them. This isn’t the case at all, this person just wants to help you.

Looks like you’re leaving this week after clarity or truth will be coming to you. This could be involving someone or something from your past that you’ve been waiting to get an answer on. There is an answer that you’ve been struggling to accept for some time now and this week you will find the missing piece to the puzzle. News travels fast and if you are meeting someone new this week be prepared for someone around you to message your ex about this. So for others of you, you may be the one having to deliver truth or clarity to someone. If you’ve been holding on or holding the space to reconcile with someone, by the end of the week, you will decide to choose yourself and walk away since they can’t be upfront with anything. If you are trying to plan or do something with your family, you and someone older will not be able to see eye to eye on a house or a child. You will want some time to think so by the weekend you will take a short trip by yourself to the beach or to a place 45 minutes away. A letter involving a debt from your past will be coming and the company won’t be agreeing to a settlement however you will still be able to pay this over time. The majority of your time this week will be spent learning a new skill or bettering your skills in your current job. I don’t see any new job opportunities coming through right now because the lesson is to work smarter at your current one. Good thing is that if you change your attitude about your current job, in the next 8 days to two months you will embark on a new journey that will involve more clients, more pay, or more responsibilities, so keep going.

Necessary conflicts lead to resolutions. You may have a fight, argument, or disagreement with someone that you least expect but it feels this has been festering for some time now. This may involve a Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces or Aquarius. This argument could bring back up a lie that was told or this person will reveal something to you that they have been feeling guilty about. For relationships, this could be a third-party situation from the past that was hidden from you and even though they let this person go, they are interested in starting a new beginning with you. They know everything needs to be out in the open in order for this to work. You may see this moment as your dream life or dream person is turning into a nightmare. On the other end, a conflict that didn’t end in a resolution back in December or November will be coming back around unexpectedly. If you were let go of from your job then a sudden change will come through that will include a reinstatement. You are going through transformations right now either in your career or in your home environment. Even if the truth is revealed that you aren’t a fan of, you will put your emotions to the side and try to see the bigger picture. If this person is changing then you will be willing to give them another chance. Some of you may be having to seek out counsel when it comes to child support, separation or divorce. A tropical storm may be coming or some sort of order issued by a judge may affect how you work if you travel or if you have to order products from a different country.

You will be on the lookout for a better job, but every option presented doesn’t mean that it’s a good one. You may be spending too much time on the internet, specifically Facebook and tik tok, which is affecting your performance at work. If you’ve been on dating apps, you will be deciding to delete them or to just log off a while so that you can focus on other things. Messages either by phone call or via the mail will be coming in and this could be in relation to benefits for your job or this may have to do with an interview that you will schedule in the upcoming three days. If you have been wanting to publish something then this will be a good week to revise it and then put it out. Go with the flow this week if you are catching feelings for another water sign, Aries or Virgo. This could be why you are deciding to take a step back from looking for someone new because you want to see where this can go. By the end of the week, you will be back to work or work will start to pick up. Travel is scheduled on Thursday or Sunday of this week. Others of you will be doing research on houses in another city or state however, you aren’t really set on moving there. A part of you feels it wouldn’t be a good decision so the advice here is to let the answer come to you instead of trying to force yourself into this. You keep going back and forth and changing your mind about someone but deep down it feels that you want this to work out. The last thing you have to do is block out or block off an earth sign ex that you don’t want to be with but you may be aware that they want to be with you. This person may even try to give you advice about your current relationship but in order for you to move on completely with someone else you have to end this. Stay where you feel safe.

You could be juggling too many things right now and not spending enough time with family or people that are interested in wanting to be near you. You will want to redecorate your living room or bedroom this week and so you’ll be doing some shopping online or in-store. If you are married then your mother-in-law could be coming to visit, however, you may dread this time because she can be judgemental. You will also be back and forth about returning to a hobby that you’ve been doing for the last two years. You could get into jewelry making, sewing or even thinking about starting something that involves selling clothes online. This week your mission should be to revise old things and make them better and that also includes your relationships. An elder woman will be giving you a call as she wants to see you since it’s been about two years since the last time you visited. So prepare to pack a bag and take a trip to this persons house this week or in the next two months. If you have been thinking about getting back into school, you will be emailing your old professor to see what you need to do to get re-enrolled. They will help you through this process and you will be finishing up your degree soon. If you and the parent of your child are separated, you’ll be going back and forth on restarting this relationship or continuing to co-parent. If you’re juggling between two people right now you will continue to juggle for another 2-15 weeks. This person’s ex-partner may be interfering, so you’re not confident that they are done with this other person yet.

An unexpected amount of money could be coming to you this week. If you applied for scholarships or re-enrolled in-school financial aid checks could be coming or there may be extra money left over after a scholarship is applied. If you were waiting on documents pertaining to visas or passports, the delays will finally be moving forward and you could be booking a trip to somewhere tropical for the end of August or September. By the end of the week, an unexpected argument with a water sign or someone you just recently reconciled with will surface. You will feel the energy isn’t worth investing into it anymore so you will either ignore it or decide to just be single. This will throw this person off because you will be acting cut off and dry and this person will want to push your buttons again to try and get a reaction. If you are single then you may meet a Pisces or Scorpio at a party, book fair, library, conference, or through a distant relative. Things will progress quickly with this person but it may be a little bit too quickly. Good news will be coming to you if you’ve been worried about a medical procedure or a medical diagnosis. You won't’ have to have surgery for this or go under extensive treatment. This same thing can apply if you’ve been worried about a parent's health or a daughter's. You may be going to a place where dreams come true so it sounds like Disney world may be on the calendar if you have kids. This week you will have a chance to save money with this lump sum payment coming into you. The amount could be $300, $500, $1900 or up to $20,000. It does feel this money is something that was owed to you but something delayed this from coming through. Couples, a trip that may have been planned to go and be with a third party will be canceled at the last minute. So the secret will stay hidden

You will try to keep a new beginning a secret from a Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Virgo. Someone at your job will likely be pushing your buttons as they will be rushing you to quickly get your work done so you can cover someone else's shift. You may rebel against this boss. You may be at odds with a soulmate by the middle of this week. This person could be throwing somewhat of a temper tantrum because you don’t agree with a new beginning they want to embark on or this person is expecting you to chase them. For now, you will give this person space but you don’t know how much longer you can deal with this person taking out their frustrations on you. If you feel the need to take a break this week then do so as I said you and a boss will be butting heads. You could be interested in learning a new language this week as well and it could be Japanese, French, or Cantonese. You could be interested in doing something different with your hair especially when it comes to the color. You may go for an auburn color, midnight blue, red or something with a tint of dark purple to it. If you feel that you want to still try and make things work with this person despite what others will say, then the final decision is always up to you. There also may be arguments tied to children or even custody if you have been dealing with this since late 2019. Again if you have started something new, then it’s best to keep it to yourself for now. At least until you get deeper into this new beginning then you are free to let people know. If you say it now they will try to discourage you from this and then you may end up giving up on it.

You are standing firm on not communicating or reaching out to this air sign person that you are at odds with right now. This person doesn’t feel that positive about you right now either. Now you may have lied or come up with an excuse to get this person away from you and they know this as well. But you feel you had to take your power back because this person just couldn’t be straight with you. Every other day or every week there was a different excuse for a different problem. And you no longer want to be patient with people who lie to you more than once. You realize in your last relationship you gave a person too much leeway to get away with anything, so now you want to try something different; you won’t be going back or reconciling with this person again. You are maturing emotionally and that was the biggest reason why you decided to cut them off in the end. You know they won’t grow up and that’s okay. This week you will be gaining control of your finances, your business or you’ll be going to a boss to ask for a raise or to see what new positions are open. They may not be open to the idea at first but revisit this again in the month of April and you will get a favorable result. How many air signs are you dealing with? Another one popped up in your reading. This person is a part of your past as well and you guys may be friends right now or you started off as friends. This may be the person you end up with. Singles, will be coming in contact with this person in less than six months. They could be an Aries or Aquarius. Try to finish what you start this week and if you aren’t that interested in something then don’t bother trying to create a new beginning.



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