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Weekly Horoscopes June 11-17: Trying to hold on to what you have

Fool- You may act upon impulse this week or be a bit careless about the words you say or about the people you're inviting into your energy. You can't change their mind. You may be moving too fast when it comes to new tasks or new opportunities that have come your way since the beginning of April or May. This is a time when you may be ignoring all advice given to you by someone who has more experience in this area. Some of you have leaped faith and moved to an unknown place where you don't have much family, friends, or associates and you may feel like a fish out of water until the beginning of next year. You may be craving spaghetti or a lot of pasta these days but be careful because it's just going straight to your hips. Watch out for distracted drivers especially if you are taking a walk in your neighborhood or downtown. The party scene may be a bit busy this week and some of you that are bartenders can find yourself making a bit more extra money because people are returning home for the summer. You will be going on an adventure over the next 3 weeks-3 months from now so make sure that you pack an extra bag because you're going to be on the go. Also, pack any sort of gas or acid reflux medicine because you will struggle with this for the next ten days and if you're feeling any sort of pain in your ribs or your side then it's likely trapped gas. Don't start acting out because a manager is going on vacation for a while, they are making sure that someone will be in place to let them know if you are misbehaving.

Moon- You will be craving danger or walking into uncharted territories thanks to the eclipse and the new moon coming up later this month. You fear falling in love again after the last situation left you confused and embarrassed. Right now you also may have your guard up with new people coming into your life or just with the people that are already there. It seems that you are surrounded by hidden enemies that you are just shrugging off like they're no big deal. Over the next four weeks, you will be triggered emotionally and it goes back to your childhood crush or first boyfriend/girlfriend. This person may have worn down on your confidence or self-esteem and now you may be going through life too much as if you have to prove yourself. So triggers about self-worth and your value will be prominent in your life until the end of this month or the beginning of July. Some of you may have fears about being a parent, so you may decide to hold off on having kids. In terms of your career, you are feeling blocked right now and even questioning yourself as to why you are putting energy into this company or business. You feel that something is missing in your life and it may be the passion that you used to have for this thing that you do. Right now, nothing may make you feel alive and you may be numb to a lot of things. Seems that a connection really did a number on you and right now you don't want to feel and you don't want to discuss anything about matters of the heart. Until you figure out why you want to pursue this dream or goal then you'll continue to be blocked with no forward progress. But also, if something isn't working, stop putting the energy into it.

Ace of swords- You're finding it hard to be understanding why someone spoke to you or treated you the way they did. Right now someone is trying to apologize or they've said sorry already and they are just waiting to see if you forgive them. Communication will come through this week but is it the truth? You will be questioning everyone's motives around you and wondering if you are getting the truth and the full story. After some thinking, you will decide not to be understanding toward this person anymore because this isn't the first time that they've crossed the line or been disrespectful toward you. If you are scheduled for interviews this week you will struggle with fumbling over your words and others of you may be showing up to interviews with sadness on your face. Don't bring your personal problems to work. There may be issues revolving around wills or life insurance policies if someone just recently passed away. Some of you are just counting down the days when this situation or relationship can be over because you're tired of dealing with this person's drug, alcohol, or baby mama issues. Is it better for you to keep the peace right now or for you to be happy? You're looking for a change in all the wrong places. Right now the change is meant to come from within and it's time to stop searching for answers from the outside; go within. By Tuesday or Thursday, you will be given some misinformation about health, loans, or education. So if something doesn't feel right then you should do your research. Feeling lethargic is likely as well if you are consuming a lot of shellfish or other seafood.

Ace of wands- Positive communication coming in when it pertains to your career sector. If you are a life path 11, 7, 3, or 1 then you will be getting some sort of advance when it pertains to your finances. So make sure that you are saving most of this because you are going to need to dip into your savings by the end of August or September. Things will be slowing down again around that time so you need to be prepared. You may make progress with a fire sign woman this week if you and she had some sort of bickering match back and forth. Your sex drive may increase and those of you that are single may end up hitting up an ex just so you don't have to sleep with anyone new. A good week to start art projects, paint, draw, sew, or just do anything with your hands. There may be some maintenance that needs to be done on your car however, it's something small that can be easily fixed by you or someone close to you. Seems to be that a headlight or taillight is out and you can easily change that bulb or it could also be a flat tire. Pregnancy is highlighted for those of you that are sleeping with a fire sign sun or you may be giving birth this week. A new phase of your life will be starting this week and it calls for you to give it the best that you have. Some cancers are about to embark on the path of cooking, technology, science, singing, radio, or a career in management. This new beginning will be exciting and may even have a lot of twists and turns but it's something that you asked the universe for so try not to act surprised. Recognition coming for your appearance or the way you dress so go ahead and change your hair.

World- The end to a drama that has been going on for the last two years. This may have been with your family, specifically, if you have any sisters. Travel is highlighted this weekend or by the end of the month. This travel or movement that is coming up maybe you moving closer toward someone that you love to make the relationship work. Or some of you will have to travel back to see an ex because you and they have children together. Whatever the situation, you have a deep love for this person that still occupies a space in your heart. You just want to be happy again but sometimes you don't know how to get there. Cocktails or having drinks with friends around the 13 or 14th and this could be where you could meet someone very interesting. This may be good for your career or this could be a potential lover. You may suffer from cramps this week in your calf or muscles or right leg. You also may be getting invited to a party because I'm picking up food being catered to the event. Some of you will be breathing a sigh of relief because you'll be happy to get away from someone who you feel has been stressing you out with their neediness or their drama. Time to clean up your front or backyard as well for those of you that have been postponing gardening. Passports or doing research on citizenship in other countries will be happening between now and November. You also may be interested in western or 70's/80's movies. Not much change this week when it comes to working except finishing up old projects and some of you will be moving to a different department in the next 13 weeks.

eight of pentacles- some of you have fallen behind on your work or you've been waiting until the last minute to finish up important things. Make sure that you aren't blatantly ignoring your responsibilities just because you don't feel like being bothered. This will come back to bite you by the second week of August if you aren't careful. Outside of that, work will start to pick up more if you are trying to get an extra shift. If you've been looking for employment then you could have some look this week around the 15th or the 18th. Some Virgos may be thinking about starting a library or even starting their own bookstore. It's still mercury retrograde so the idea can still be good but don't jump on anything until around the first week of August. There may be bills or expenses that are just sitting there waiting to be paid and instead you may be spending that money on luxuries. Also if you are looking to receive money back from someone that borrowed money from you, it won't be coming in this week and it actually may not come back at all. Some of you may help set up gofundme's for a friend who is being evicted or they are dealing with some sort of serious medical problem. Right now you may be hiding your assets but spending everyone else's money; don't you know they're going to catch on to this eventually lol. Overall though, if you've been looking for a change in your career then you will be getting what you are asking for starting this week. This will require some sacrifice but in the end, the salary is worth it. Inquiring or starting family counseling this week is likely for those of you that have been putting this off for the last 8 months or 8 years. If you haven't thought about counseling for yourself or for your family, you will be considering it at this time. It may not be a bad thing to do if you are still struggling with anxiety or PTSD

Five of pentacles- right now you may be at a loss for words. Where did all your money go? Your mindset may be one that is focusing on what you lack but this also may just be fear. A breakup or some sort of ending that you’ve endured over the last 5 days or 5 weeks will start to sit heavy again on your throat by the end of the week. You want to talk about something to friends or family but you feel they won’t understand. Sometimes you find yourself wanting to fight fire with fire and be a bit mean or uncaring like how the world is toward you. But that’s not you so don’t try to wear that hat. Things may be a bit rough right now due to a lack of support In your home or what you want to do for a career. Don’t take the edge off by indulging in things that aren’t good for you. Problems with children and their lungs but also blockages surrounding your creativity. Confusion is in the air because your mind is in too many places. Some Libra’s may be going through divorces so you’re trying to figure out how to divide the assets. The color red or pink may be of significance to you. A memory about Valentine’s Day may just make you want to cry. Be prepared for the emotions this week as you’ll be asking yourself ‘what am I doing here.’ Life isn’t making much sense right now but don’t force it. Issues with a Taurus and the way they communicate with you or their lack of communication. But also don’t gamble, or take risks on having sex with people you don’t know. Careful of bees, wasp, mosquitoes.

Eight of cups- your mind may be turning toward the negative instead of the positive. Some of you could be having your first date with someone new but the whole time your mind will be elsewhere. Some of you are too quick to want to run back home just to sit there and do nothing. You may be the one creating distance between you and this other person but it may be easier to blame it on them because ‘everyone always leaves,’ right? The self-sabotage has to stop or the chances of a successful connection are slim to none. If you’ve moved away from a water sign recently, at this point you want to Just keep waking away. Something is sprouting in your yard or backyard and it may be mushrooms, tomatoes, or some other vegetable. If you’re growing a garden this could be a sense of therapy for you. If you were scheduled to attend some sort of training this week it will be delayed because of a fracture that someone will suffer. It may not be a bad week to watch Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown. As much as you want to pick up the phone and call someone to make it right, you just can’t dial those numbers. For some, this may be you struggling to reconnect with family members after the loss of someone. By the middle of the week, you will start to believe in a dream you once has when you were 18. You may finally decide to take steps toward making this dream a reality. There will be two things that may leave your life or that you’ll have to sacrifice as you love forward to the next phase in your life. These are two things you tried to leave behind in January but you talked yourself out of it. For some, it could be alcohol and for others, it could be a friends with benefits situation. Follow your gut.


Nine of cups- happiness looks good on you. You will be proud of the results of some project or the results of a test that you will be taking. Happy travel is ahead and this could be you also be hired as a team lead or some sort of manager for a firm. You will have good gains on social media or some of you will be cleaning up your accounts and starting all over again. It’s likely that you’re going through a new identity or you are just trying something new with your appearance. This will pay off for you in the long run so it’s a good gamble to take. You may be given some sort of gift or someone may be giving you some wine. Make sure that you are paying attention to your dreams over the next 9 weeks because clues will be in there on what you need to do next. Casual sex or hookups are likely for those of you that are single. You also may be craving pizza a lot this week, just make sure if you’re lactose intolerant that you don’t overdo it. A Pisces may be surprising you during this time with how romantic they will be toward you. A good time to talk a walk on the beach or through the park. If you are wanting to get sympathy from people this would be the week to do it because it will be hard for them to ignore. If you’ve been wanting to reconnect with a water sign then this week you could get your wish. But all good things must come to an end. Well, it can still be fun while it lasted. Don’t take this person so seriously because their emotions toward you seem temporary. It may not be a bad week to play the lottery or go to the casino. Make sure you take your grandmother or mother though because they have the lucky hand.

Queen of cups- if you’re a stepmother or dealing with someone who has children, you may be feeling that this isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. You just want a break; more so emotionally rather than physically. You may come off as uncaring or aloof to people this week. However, you also may get irritated because people aren’t showing much interest in trying to help you solve your problems. If you’re dealing with a water sign, things aren’t as good as they used to be between the Wo of you and you aren’t sure why. You may start to wonder if this person is even happy with you anymore. Some of you may have a difficult time with your mother or mother in law especially if she is judgmental about your appearance. Your intuition may feel blocked or you may notice that synchronicities aren’t coming through as frequently as they used to. Your attitude may need an adjustment or you’ve become too focused on acquiring things that won’t really matter at the end of the day. Your ancestors see you walking away from the right path you were already on. Be careful of emotionally manipulative people that are younger than you. You may naturally be a passive person but this week you may feel like choosing violence. Some of you may be having some dark feelings but remember a lot of times these feelings aren’t yours. Find a way to cleanse your energy. You could use the earth or use fire to cleanse. So exercising or even burning a black candle and writing what you want to be released. If you catch yourself drifting toward being insensitive, stop yourself and ask why. The way you react or respond during this week is going to make or break your future. If you’re attached or a water sign you may disappoint them because of your mood swings and during this time you may break their heart by breaking up with them. Don’t act on your emotions right now and don’t retaliate in a way that you attack them with your words. You may be moody because you are feeling ignored or unappreciated.

Nine of pentacles- you are regaining your independence again after dealing with a Pisces or Sagittarius. But try not to hang on to your family or friends as a crutch to not deal with your feelings. You are working on putting yourself out there more. Some of you that have Virgo or libra in your chart could be starting a new job or you are applying for a job that you will get at the end of the month. You will have more of an interest in jewelry and you may decide to start a business out of this. If you are single then you will be meeting someone new on a dating app who has the initial T or M. Also make sure that your eyesight is good because some of you will not have your glasses this week knowing you can’t see a damn thing without them. If you are in a relationship then you and your partner will be spending this week apart from one another due to work obligations. However, you both are okay with this because it gives you the chance to miss one another. Going to museums or art galleries can be a fun thing you could get into this week, plus you could meet someone new while you’re there. Cabbage, kale, spinach should be added to your diet more starting this week or you can get try protein in your smoothie. The late bloomers club is what I like to call you. A lot of are just now getting started when it pertains to life and you are growing up more as the months go by. If you’re still living at home, it’s time to leave the nest, but you will. Next weekend, if you’re feeling lazy and you don’t want to do anything then go on an adventure out of town. You’ll have the money to do so. Money will also start to get better in 3-6 weeks.

Three of pentacles- still waiting on the answer to your question from someone. Some of you may be looking for a new house or a new apartment in as little as 3 days or by September. Right now you are in a growing phase and some of you are outgrowing your community. Or you may find that family is starting to outgrow it and they may be moving away to other cities or states that are far from you. Those of you that are close to your younger siblings or family may find this transition or change kind of hard, but everyone has a life to live. You’re in good company this week and you may start hanging out again with a friend from your high school or from an old job. The company or job that you are in right now is a match, so how can you build off of this so that you can move up to a higher position? Some of you have to break the habit of always wanting to quit or throw things to the waste side because they don’t move fast enough. If you have Capricorn or Gemini placements then this is a good week for collaborations or team-building things. If you are a part of a team then you have to do a better job of giving it a chance before you through in the towel. Saltine crackers will help with the stomach ache or diarrhea you may have because of some ice cream that you’ll eat. You may find interest in playing video games or doing crossword puzzles this week. Hold on to your money this week. You’re spending it as soon as you get it in and you need to save for a big purchase you will make by January 4. For some, it will be a house and for others, it may be some sort of foreign car. Those of you that have a business just need to hold on to it. It’s tough because you want to know when will it be your moment. Just try to stick it out until September or October. If you’re in a connection with an earth sign then you will try to hold on to this person even after they lied to you. Is it love or is it codependency?


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