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Weekly Horoscopes March 6-12: Stop worrying so much

You could be swaying a lot this week as if your equilibrium is off. You could be having some issues with your blood sugar or blood pressure. The feeling of pins and needles could be felt in your thighs. Some of you could be dealing with anemia or there is a blood transfusion for someone close to you that needs to be done. Taking a trip this week to visit your past, checking the mail or your bank account for a check that was supposed to arrive last Wednesday. An Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, or Capricorn could be on your mind. The two of you live at a distance from one another. Old college boyfriend/girlfriend perhaps? Travel for your job is highlighted from now until the end of June. I don’t see you moving yet even though you have the money for it. You may have to look outside the current city that you are in. 20 minutes west or to the south of you would be better. Stop looking down at the ground. Work on building your self-confidence.

You could be noticing this week that the less you try, the better things will be. You could be receiving a summons this week or in the next two weeks. You may feel this person from your past you’re back talking to, is not being honest about wanting to work things out. This week you could focus too much on trying to make an ex jealous. It won’t work in your favor. If you are currently with someone, they aren’t paying a lot of attention to you or the money they spend. Some of you could be divorcing someone because they’ve buried you into a deep financial pit that you’re working to climb out of. Tight calf muscles, or charlie horses. Incorporate more bananas and orange slices into your diet. Hay fever may end up being a thing again this winter or in the next 3-12 years. Get better shoes for ankle support. It’s okay if you don’t want to sign this contract; wait. Watching too many movies or engaging in things that don’t matter will have you running late for work or lacking in productivity. Don’t lose focus this week.

You’re trying to make this uncomfortable situation as comfortable as you can. Drinking too many drinks in aluminum cans, switching to bottles instead, or cut back on soda (especially diet coke). You’ve already been ghosted, feel like it’s coming or you may be thinking about leaving a situation without explanation. A part of you is panicking or feeling anxious because someone is not talking to you or avoiding you. This week you could be returning a possession that is too expensive or breaking a lease. It’s likely your judgment will be clouded this week. A relationship or business situation is holding you back. But there are assets involved or you just need their help right now. It’s like you keep checking over your shoulder wondering if this person will change their mind; it seems it’s pretty set in stone right now. Eat more fiber this week, please. By the end of the week, you’ll be spending more time outside. You could be selling a pet or giving it away. A federal building could be breached this week. Having issues sleeping starting Monday or Friday. Set better boundaries with air sign people in your life, especially libra. A gift will be given to you on Wednesday or Saturday but you will give it back. Money may go to a closed account because of incorrect banking information.

Second week in a row where you are feeling yourself. Starting a garden or a new business tied to fashion. Visiting your old high school or neighborhood could happen in the middle of the week. You also could be growing out your hair more, redecorating your home or changing your style. A check or package will be coming to you on Wednesday. Those of you in marriages will be doing more activities with your partner. You may find an interest in perfumes/colognes or just scents that can help you raise your vibration-try vanilla and rose. You may have many love interests around you during this time if you are single. Some of you could be pregnant by a Taurus or air sign. Having a good trip with your mother this week. Also, you’ll be working on your health issues or weight. Getting some sort of tattoo or piercing is likely on Thursday. Things are going well right now. Something new will be coming toward you starting at the beginning of spring. A breakthrough in communication with an air sign, another cancer, Taurus, or Libra. Getting an invitation to a party. Someone will confess their feelings. Feels like an ex but it doesn’t have to be. Popularity this week.

your position is solidified in your company if you have been worried about this. Being reunited with another fire sign or a romantic connection with a fire sign could be forming this week. You are feeling admired, inspired, and downright unstoppable right now. Having an argument with a sister, other siblings, or maintenance man. News tied to Hilary Clinton could be coming this week or soon. Kerry Washington as well. Married men or women will be trying to work with you but it’s only so they can get close to you romantically. Jonathan, Patrick, Cindy, and Victoria. You will also be buying more shoes, feels athletic in style. Some sort of formal party or dinner will be coming up for you. Visiting a hotel soon or you may have to attend a conference by this weekend for your company. This is unexpected and feels like you have to fill in for someone that wasn’t able to attend. Some of you could be interviewing for a management position in your company. Getting a new computer or finishing some sort of tech course is likely. You could be putting in an application for Google. Or you may decide to become a content creator. Blood pressure socks for you, your mother or your uncle.

Communication comes from a fire sign that may live in another part of the world or across the country. If you submitted a visa application then you will be hearing news about this in the next 11 hours or 11 days. Feeling quite frisky this week as well. Your sex drive will be extremely high. Something will be under construction in your neighborhood that will bother your morning sleep. The wing of a hospital could be closed off or shut down due to an infectious disease or chemical spill. Singles could be meeting a firefighter or someone that works in the medical field. Craving coffee a lot will happen until around April 5th. Make sure you also take it easy on energy drinks. Some of you will be up to drinking two of these a day. Not a bad week at all for you. There will be a lot of communication from multiple directions and if you’re looking for a new job, you’re in luck. Craving peppers or spicy foods. Fertility is very high during this time so if you are wanting to get pregnant then this will be the week to do it. Likely it will be a boy.

Putting yourself out there more this week. You could get locked out, banned, or suspended on a particular social media platform. Some of you will be cleaning up your social media. You have a feeling that something is coming and you don’t want to fall victim to “cancel culture”. Shoot, you may decide to delete a particular account and start over. You won’t be as attached to social media as you have been in the past. You may be attending some sort of festival in April. This invite will be very unexpected from someone you haven’t met yet or you are friends on social media. This week you could be traveling on Saturday, Sunday, or Thursday. Feels this will be to a secluded place or the countryside. Going to vegas or Arizona soon. You will be very quick-witted during this time as well. Investing will go well for you or any career tied to calculating or research. Dream catchers could bring in some luck for you this week.

Good news could be coming your way this week when it pertains to a home or it could be a new relationship. This is a heavy-fire sign and you feel that you and this person are a good match. If you’re not looking for love but living with someone right now then things will start to balance out if you’ve been having arguments. Your aura could be changing as well which could be thanks to the upcoming good weather or you are just working on being more positive. If you have put off wanting to be married in the past it does seem that your mind is changing. If you have been looking for a work-from-home position since last April, June, October, or November, then you will be hearing news about this opportunity in four days. Some of you will have to take some sort of test to get certified. This could be taking a real estate exam. Jazz night or going to a bar in your city with friends could happen for you this weekend. Overall you will be feeling happier and more optimistic about life during this week. If you see a bunny cross your path then good fortune or something tied to a car could be coming your way. “She’s perfect”. The thoughts of someone who is very interested in you but this person may not be known to you right now. Knitting a sweater or finding an old blanket that your grandmother made for you when you were a child. Hang your clothes up.

Feeling desired or just stepping more into your power during this time. You could be dreaming about snakes, snakes could cross your path or you could be thinking about getting one as a pet. If you have been on a losing streak and feeling as if people have been turning against you, then there will be some sort of new beginning with this before the end of this month. If you have a teenage daughter or a daughter getting up there in age then you could be trying to relate to her more. So you could be trying to take her shopping or maybe to get her nails done. You’ve realized feeling down in the dumps about your current situation is just keeping you in the same spot so this week you will have a new burst of energy. You will be focused on getting things done more and some of you may even be telling a partner that you don’t need them anymore. You’re coming into a period in your life where you are evaluating the purpose of everyone around you. Do they serve to help you or to take things away? Your intuition could be heightened by the end of this week as well. Stanley, Vincent, Smith, Angela, or Michael. Grab a pair of white tennis shoes. Watch out for walking in too high heels or you end up with an ankle injury. Things will start to feel lighter during this time so take advantage while you can.

Something is coming in fast. Feels to be an air sign, communication from this person or this may be some sort of result from a doctor. It does feel that you could be handed some sort of prescription for an ailment or illness that keeps coming back no matter how many times you try to heal this on your own. Either way, information that you need to know in order to have clarity on if you’re on the right path or not is coming in. You also could be traveling this week or when it gets closer to Monday. Don’t take the shortcut in any direction during this time or it could backfire. A fire sign person around you could be feeling some sort of way if you will spend more time focusing on a hobby or just focusing on yourself. It’s best to not let this person get in your head or under your skin. Plus this may be someone who was adamant for months that they didn’t want to have a relationship or try to fix things and now they are having a problem with you not giving them attention. You have a gut feeling that this person has also not been loyal to you or they have been doing some shady things behind your back. So starting this week you really just want the focus to be on you and what you want to do. A boss may be giving you extra work just because they are having an issue with you. You will pick up on this and report them to another superior before the week is over. You are being guided and led and although it seems confusing right now, trust yourself. The clarity you need is coming, just make sure you’re paying attention when it gets here. It will be coming by way of an air sign man who could be shorter than you.

You’re changing right before everyone’s eyes. They are curious to know what’s going on with you but they won’t ask, they’ll just watch from a distance to see what you are going to do. You are ready for something more challenging or just different to come your way because you’ve been tired of doing the same ole thing time and time again. Your grandparents could be coming to visit or you will be going to visit them. If you’ve been writing a book you could finish it this week or you will start on it if it’s a fresh idea. If you used to play the violin or if you were in the orchestra when you were younger you could be picking up your instrument again or you are going to an orchestra concert. It’s up to you if you want to give this fire sign another chance or not but it’s not as fated as you think. I don’t feel you want them back like you think you do. You will be fine if you decide to head in a different direction. Yes, change is scary, but eventually, it was going to come. You also could become more disciplined when it comes to writing down or speaking your affirmations. If you want to change then you have to show the universe that you are serious about it; no more half-assing. Picking up something tied to calculations, so you could be going over your budget before the week is up. California is in your future if you’re interested. Wednesday, Winnie, Wisconsin, East New York. It’s always your fears that get in the way of getting what you want, time to change that.

Speaking of manifestations, one of yours could be on the way to you. You could be responded to by someone that you reached out to earlier last week or in the last three days. I’m getting something tied to pictures being taken or a picture, so you could be sending selfies to someone. But new energy is creeping up on you starting this week or in the next three days. Now some of you may still have to wait to hear from someone who stays in another city, state or country because this person wants you to reach out to them again to see if you’re truly serious. I feel this person just got out of a relationship so it wouldn’t be safe to think this is going to immediately turn into something else. It may be best to just see where it goes instead of trying to attach a label to it so quickly. You should be proud of yourself because a phase you thought you weren’t going to make it through, you pulled through it with flying colors. Speaking of flying, there could be a trip you will be taking soon that will be close to the coast. Thinking about taking a cruise with your family or if you are a poet you could be writing a lot of that this week. Whistleblower energy is coming through so it will be interesting to see what happens with that. Whatever this is that is coming in from the west this week, will be making you smile. You will be surprised. If you are an artist, in sales, or a freelancer, more clients or interest in your brand is coming in. A new journey has begun



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