Hey everyone, here are your weekly horoscopes. Each sign has its own recording so you don't have to worry about skipping through.
Aries ♈️ : Didn't go as planned
Listen here 👈
Taurus ♉️: They're all bark and no bite
Listen here 👈
Gemini ♊️: You are bored with them, what are you going to do?
Listen here 👈
Cancer ♋️: Wow Wow. A new door is opening
Listen here 👈
Leo ♌️: Maybe they have changed. But what about your current partner?
Listen here 👈
Virgo ♍️: For the sake of love, you're holding on. This is not healthy anymore.
Listen here 👈
Libra ♎️: The Life of a nomad. Don't dump all your problems on them
Listen here 👈
Scorpio ♏️: It may still work out. Give it more time
Listen here 👈
Sagittarius ♐️: The Last is standing between you and wealth
Listen here 👈
Capricorn ♑️: You realized you rushed this decision. You want the old thing back
Listen here 👈
Aquarius ♒️: This is so random. They are in love with you
Listen here 👈
Pisces ♓️: Focusing on things that don't matter. Love will come eventually
Listen here 👈
In case some of the links are not right, here's the link for Google drive folder with all 12 zodiac signs in them
